Fizzadar · 21 days ago
Hey all, I'm the creator/primary maintainer of pyinfra! Super excited (a little terrified) to see this on the frontpage, happy to answer any questions :)

I also hang out on the Matrix room: https://matrix.to/#/#pyinfra:matrix.org

Another thing: the GH repo points at currently in beta v3 and the docs for this are here: https://docs.pyinfra.com/en/next (highly recommend starting with v3, I just haven't had any time recently to wrap up the release, but it's stable).

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activatedgeek · 21 days ago
I current use Ansible to setup both local and remote hosts. I've been very happy with it, and love that Pyinfra intends to support the Ansible connector.

My main gripe with Ansible is the YAML specification. Ansible chooses to separate the task specification and task execution. Pyinfra chooses to directly expose the Python layer, instead of using slightly ugly magic functions/variables. I like this approach more since it allows standard Pythonic control flow instead of using a new (arguably ugly and more hassle to maintain) grammar.

Excited for Pyinfra!

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dang · 21 days ago

Pyinfra automates infrastructure super fast at scale - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33286972 - Oct 2022 (37 comments)

Show HN: pyinfra v2 - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30999030 - April 2022 (2 comments)

Pyinfra v2.0 Released - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30973976 - April 2022 (3 comments)

Show HN: Pyinfra v1.4 - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26983266 - April 2021 (3 comments)

Pyinfra – automate infrastructure super fast at scale - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23487178 - June 2020 (64 comments)

Pyinfra v0.3 - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13862942 - March 2017 (1 comment)

Pyinfra v0.2 - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12956784 - Nov 2016 (2 comments)

jdoss · 21 days ago
I just started using Pyinfra to wrangle a bunch of servers and it is a breath of fresh air compared to Ansible. I moved all of my server OS installs to Fedora CoreOS which doesn't ship with Python in the OS and since Pyinfra doesn't need Python on the host node I can kick off tasks in bulk to do server things. It is great. I cannot wait to see where the Pyinfra project goes.

On a side note, one of the most hacky things I came up with to get Ansible working on Fedora CoreOS was to bind mount a container rootfs that had python 3 and then symlink it into the right spots. You can of course add Python in with rpm-ostree if you want but I wanted to avoid layering packages at the time. I wasn't proud of it. But it worked.


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zbentley · 21 days ago
I think Puppet hits the sweet spot in this area. It's default is a series of idempotent "here's how this should be configured" statements, but it can be used as a full programming language in its more advanced capacity, and it's reasonably extensible (in Puppet-lang and Ruby) to support specific custom applications.

I also think that the facts/manifest/apply separation is conducive to nicely testable infra code, and useful dry-run output.

I'm always surprised that Puppet isn't still more popular. My theory is that it's passed over because of its age/cruftiness/bad vibes in some cases, and that a couple of technical flaws mess it up for some key userbases:

For folks who just want a quick-to-start management tool for a small set of config, Puppet's ugly and clunky client/server model and the hyper-YAML-ification of its best practices (which is pursued to a fault by the community, and not helped by the Hiera pitch that the Puppet stack can also be sort of an asset tracking/catalog system) make small-scale usage and prototyping hard. Puppet doesn't have to be used that way (it can be used just like pyinfra/Ansible with a local-apply or via Bolt, hitting a nice sweet spot between ad-hoc/non-idempotent commands and nice declarative/idempotent Puppet code), but I think the puppetmaster/hiera-all-the-things legacy in the community does Puppet and potential new users a disservice.

From the other side, I think a lot of more cloud-oriented users looking for a "better Terraform for server state" end up annoyed by the quality of modules on the Puppet forge and Puppet's lack of a statefile equivalent (meaning that it doesn't support deletes or infrastructure state snapshots in the same way TF does).

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