xanderlewis · 21 days ago
> Stripped of anything else, neural networks are compositions of differentiable primitives

I’m a sucker for statements like this. It almost feels philosophical, and makes the whole subject so much more comprehensible in only a single sentence.

I think François Chollet says something similar in his book on deep learning: one shouldn’t fall into the trap of anthropomorphising and mysticising models based on the ‘neural’ name; deep learning is simply the application of sequences of operations that are nonlinear (and hence capable of encoding arbitrary complexity) but nonetheless differentiable and so efficiently optimisable.

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p1esk · 20 days ago
And then you learn about binary or ternary networks where gradients don’t really exist anywhere, and you start to wonder about the importance of this differentiability.

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seanhunter · 20 days ago
Wow, just skimmed a bit, but this book looks amazing so far. Really understandable but with an intuitive presentation of the underlying maths that invites the reader to go deeper if they want to by giving them what they need to get started.
gfaure · 20 days ago
In the literature, they're usually called convolutional layers (I think you can pretty much search and replace all uses of "convolutive" in the text).
glonq · 21 days ago
I wonder if the usage of Alice & Wonderland takes inspiration from Douglas Hofstadter's "Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid" ?

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