PMunch · 20 days ago
Oh this is cool! I recently wrapped libfuse in Nim and after porting the 'hello' filesystem example I made one which is more or less exactly this. However my version you pipe data and have to provide a mountpoint, then when it's done it writes the result over stdout. That means you can inline it in a pipe chain but also that you have to make sure to grab the output.

At the moment I'm exploring other stuff which could be made into file systems. I've got a statusbar thing for the Nimdow window manager which allows you to write contents to individual files and it creates a bar with blocks on them as the output. It makes it super easy to swap out what is on your bar which is pretty neat.

Another tool I've made is a music player. It uses libvlc and when given a folder it reads all the media with ID3 tags and sets up folders like 'by-artist', 'by-album', etc. Each file is named as '<track number> - <song title>' and contains the full path to the actual file. To play a song you cat one of these files into 'control/current' and write the word play to 'control/command'. There's a bit more to it like that like a playlist feature and some more commands, but that's the basic idea. The goal is to have a super-scriptable music player.

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RetroTechie · 21 days ago
Useful enough that it should be an OS-level standard feature, imho.

Unix-like OSes allow mounting disk images to explore their contents. But there's many more file formats where exploring files-inside-files is useful. Compressed archives, for one. Some file managers support those, but (imho) application-level is not the optimal layer to put this functionality.

Could be implemented with a kind of driver-per-filetype.

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jasonpeacock · 21 days ago

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paulgb · 21 days ago
This is really neat, but when I saw the headline I got excited that it was something I have been looking for / considering writing, and I figure the comments here would be a good place to ask if something like this exists:

Is there a FUSE filesystem that runs in-memory (like tmpfs) while mounted, and then when dismounted it serializes to a single file on disk? The closest I can find are FUSE drivers that mount archive files, but then you don't get things like symlinks.

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compressedgas · 21 days ago