gary_0 · 43 days ago

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ksec · 43 days ago
It will be interesting to see the SMT performance, I am expecting this would provide benefits and be further refined in future generation. With Zen5c we get 192 Core or 384vCPU. We should be getting 256 Core with Zen 6c next year. Which means on a Dual Socket 1U Server, that is a potential of 512 Core with 1024 vCPU.

Whatever Web App Scaling issues we had in 2014 could now fit into a single server, assuming we somehow manage to cool the thing. Even at 1 RPS per vCPU that is 1000 RPS, excluding cache hit. Even on HN front-page dont hit the server at 1000 Page View per second.

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IvanAchlaqullah · 43 days ago
It's always interesting to see decades old papers, sometimes published with little to no fanfares, suddenly becomes "state of the art" because hardware have become powerful enough.

For example Z-buffers[1]. It's used by 3d video games. When it's first published on paper, it's not even the main topic of the paper, just some side notes because it requires expensive amount of memory to run.

Turn out megabytes is quite cheap few decades latter, and every realtime 3d renderer ended up using it.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z-buffering

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mrlonglong · 43 days ago
Speculative predictors have been subjected to a number of attacks to weasel out private data. Given that so many of the common ISAs are vulnerable, are they taking steps to reduce the impact of such attacks?

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emn13 · 43 days ago
As a novice in this area, it's not clear to me after reading this what exactly the 2-ahead branch predictor is.

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