throwawayML2 · 42 days ago
I wouldn't put too much weight into this. Not only is much of this content dated, but Chip is far from a subject matter expert. She loves to write (and is a greater writer), but don't expect anything beyond a cursory introduction.

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srvmshr · 42 days ago
I found the "Deep learning interviews" book to be much more engaging and value for time.


I did a cursory browse through on few sections of this current book (namely the CV module), and I think the questions are on the easier end for actual ML interviews/whiteboarding. Normally, I would face some more depth (and equivalently as a tech lead, similarly ask more than surface-level questions to potential hires).

tldr: If you have gone through an introductory ML course like Andrew Ng's CS229 or CS230, these question banks seem obvious & trivial to solve.

SillyUsername · 42 days ago
I think a question on a lot of people's lips is "if we put the effort in to retrain and use this guide, how much can I expect to earn?" All well and good saying this is what employers want in an interview, but we have to talk remuneration too :)

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· 42 days ago