tgtweak · 42 days ago
No file system attributes or metadata on records which also means no (xattrs/fattrs) being written or updated, no checks to see if it's a physical file or a pipe/symlink, no permission checks, no block size alignment mismatches, single open command.

Makes sense when you consider you're throwing out functionality and disregarding general purpose design.

If you use a fuse mapping to SQLite, mount that directory and access it, you'd probably be very similar performance (perhaps even slower) and storage use as you'd need to add additional columns in the table to track these attributes.

I have no doubt that you could create a custom tuned file system on a dedicated mount with attributes disabled, minimized file table and correct/optimized block size and get very near to this perf.

Let's not forget the simplicity of being able to use shell commands (like rsync) to browse and manipulate those files without running the application or an SQL client to debug.

Makes sense for developers to use SQLite for this use case though for an appliance-type application or for packaged static assets (this is already commonplace in game development - a cab file is essentially the same concept)

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lc64 · 42 days ago
That's a very rigorously written article.

Let's also note the 4x speed increase on windows 10, once again underlining just how slow windows filesystem calls are, when compared to direct access, and other (kernel, filesystem) combinations.

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robertclaus · 42 days ago
I did some research in a database research lab, and we had a lot of colleagues working on OS research. It was always interesting to compare the constraints and assumptions across the two systems. I remember one of the big differences was the scale of individual records we expected to be working with, which in turn affected how memory and disk was managed. Most relational databases are very much optimized for small individual records and eventual consistency, which allows them to cache a lot more in memory. On the other hand, performance often drops sharply with the size of your rows.
igammarays · 42 days ago
This is precisely why I'm considering appending to a sqlite DB in WAL2 mode instead of plain text log files. Almost no performance penalty for writes but huge advantages for reading/analysis. No more Grafana needed.

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freedmand · 42 days ago
I recently had the idea to record every note coming out of my digital piano in real-time. That way if I come up with a good idea when noodling around I don’t have to hope I can remember it later.

I was debating what storage layer to use and decided to try SQLite because of its speed claims — essentially a single table where each row is a MIDI event from the piano (note on, note off, control pedal, velocity, timestamp). No transactions, just raw inserts on every possible event. It so far has worked beautifully: it’s performant AND I can do fun analysis later on, e.g. to see what keys I hit more than others or what my average note velocity is.

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