deivid · 42 days ago
The end goal in this series is to use an FPGA to build a display adapter, I've gotten a Tang Mega 138k [0] to start the process but there is not a lot of documentation, so it is taking a while

If you got recommendations for other (cheap) FPGA boards with PCI-e hard IP, do let me know.

[0]: https://wiki.sipeed.com/hardware/en/tang/tang-mega-138k/mega...

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loeg · 42 days ago
This seems like a great intro to Linux PCIe device drivers. I've never worked with Linux device drivers but have worked with multiple PCIe drivers on a different operating system years ago, and the concepts look very familiar. Love to see more of this type of content in the world.
tptacek · 42 days ago
I really, really like the way these articles flow, with just enough code to illustrate their point, and a gradual build. This is good stuff. I have never in my life wanted to make a new PCI device, but now I kind of do, which is like the acid test for good technical writing, right?
sim7c00 · 41 days ago
thanks so much for writing these. they are really informative and practical in an area this seems really rare in. so handy! exactly what i was needing to create some dev/playtest environment for my project without knowing how to even search for it.

also like a lot the other 2 parts. many practical things like how to use some of your bootsvc driver stuff after u exit them, busmastering, msi-x stuff. tons of little nice details and super useful