To me, the best part about sequel is that it works with jruby. I use it as a secret weapon when I need a db automation that runs practically anywhere thanks to JVM (and thanks to Jeremy).
I used this a lot when I wasn't doing any other Ruby at the time, to do some more involved SQL automatization and ETL. I tried to stick with SQL/psql as much as possible, but if that fails or would've lead too much into temporary tables and pl/sql, I went with Sequel. I could fiddle around it in an interactive REPL if I wanted to, and the resulting code wasn't too OO so that the underlying Postgres representation was barely visible.
Some day I might try my hand at a "full Jeremy Evans" stack backend, i.e. both Sequel and his web framework Roda, authentication with Rodauth etc.
nurettin ·5 days ago
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neallindsay ·5 days ago
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mhd ·5 days ago
Some day I might try my hand at a "full Jeremy Evans" stack backend, i.e. both Sequel and his web framework Roda, authentication with Rodauth etc.
shayonj ·5 days ago
cooljacob204 ·5 days ago