Show HN: DBOS transact – Ultra-lightweight durable execution in Python
89 points ·
Today we want to share our brand new Python library providing ultra-lightweight durable execution.
Durable execution means your program is resilient to any failure. If it is ever interrupted or crashes, all your workflows will automatically resume from the last completed step. If you want to see durable execution in action, check out this demo app:
Or if you’re like me and want to skip straight to the Python decorators in action, here’s the demo app’s backend – an online store with reliability and correctness in just 200 LOC:
Don't want to keep reading and just try it out:
No matter how many times you try to crash it, it always resumes from exactly where it left off! And yes, that button really does crash the app.
Under the hood, this works by storing your program's execution state (which workflows are currently executing and which steps they've completed) in a Postgres database. So all you need to use it is a Postgres database to connect to—there's no need for a "workflow server." This approach is also incredibly fast, for example 25x faster than AWS Step Functions.
Some more cool features include:
* Scheduled jobs—run your workflows exactly-once per time interval, no more need for cron.
* Exactly-once event processing—use workflows to process incoming events (for example, from a Kafka topic) exactly-once. No more need for complex code to avoid repeated processing
* Observability—all workflows automatically emit OpenTelemetry traces.
We also have a webinar on Thursday where we will walk through the new library, you can sign up here:
We'd love to hear what you think! We’ll be in the comments for the rest of the day to answer any questions you may have.
jedberg ·126 days ago
Ask me anything!
bb01100100 ·126 days ago
I do a lot of consulting on Kafka-related architectures and really like the concept of DBOS.
Customers tend to hit a wall of complexity when they want to actually use their streaming data (as distinct from simply piping it into a DWH).. being able to delegate a lot of that complexity to the lower layers is very appealing.
Would DBOS align with / complement these types of Kafka streaming pipelines or are you addressing a different need?
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rtcoms ·126 days ago
How would you compare DBOS with that ?
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ashwindharne ·126 days ago
From what I can tell, the programming model seems to be pretty similar but DBOS doesn't require a centralized workflow server, just serverless functions?
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sim7c00 ·126 days ago
definitely a fan of what these types of systems can do in replay/recovering and retying steps etc. as well as centralizing a lot of didferent workloads to a common execution engine.