bunderbunder · 4 hours ago
I share this ideal, but also have to gripe that "descriptive test name" is where this falls apart, every single time.

Getting all your teammates to quit giving all their tests names like "testTheThing" is darn near impossible. It's socially painful to be the one constantly nagging people about names, but it really does take constant nagging to keep the quality high. As soon as the nagging stops, someone invariably starts cutting corners on the test names, and after that everyone who isn't a pedantic weenie about these things will start to follow suit.

Which is honestly the sensible, well-adjusted decision. I'm the pedantic weenie on my team, and even I have to agree that I'd rather my team have a frustrating test suite than frustrating social dynamics.

Personally - and this absolutely echoes the article's last point - I've been increasingly moving toward Donald Knuth's literate style of programming. It helps me organize my thoughts even better than TDD does, and it's earned me far more compliments about the readability of my code than a squeaky-clean test suite ever does. So much so that I'm beginning to hold hope that if you can build enough team mass around working that way it might even develop into a stable equilibrium point as people start to see how it really does make the job more enjoyable.

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lucianbr · 9 hours ago
One - unit tests explain nothing. They show what the output should be for a given input, but not why, or how you get there. I'm surprised by the nonchalant claim that "unit tests explain code". Am I missing something about the meaning of the english word "explain"?

Two - so any input value outside of those in unit tests is undocumented / unspecified behavior? A documentation can contain an explanation in words, like what relation should hold between the inputs and outputs in all cases. Unit tests by their nature can only enumerate a finite number of cases.

This seems like such an obviously not great idea...

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simonw · 9 hours ago

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latchkey · 7 hours ago
Nobody is mentioning this. Tests are for change over time, they are not just for testing the output is the same.

When you have a codebase sitting around rotting for years and you need to go back and refactor things to add a feature or change the behavior, how do you know you aren't breaking some dependent code down the line?

What happens when you upgrade a 3rd party dependency, how do you know it isn't breaking your code? The javascript ecosystem is rife with this. You can't upgrade anything years later or you have to start over again.

Tests are especially important when you've quit your company and someone else is stuck maintaining your code. The only way they can be sure to have all your ingrained knowledge is to have some sort of reliable way of knowing when things break.

Tests are for preventing the next developer from cursing you under their breath.

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benrutter · 8 hours ago
I've heard "tests are documentation" a lot, and even said it without thinkibg much myself. It sounds good, and I definitely like the idea of it, but I'm not sure it's true. Here's my thinking:

- I've never tried to understand a code base by looking at the tlunit tests first. They often require more in depth understanding (due to things like monkeypatching) than just reading the code. I haven't seen anyone else attempt this either.

- Good documentation is good as far as it aids understanding. This might be a side effect of tests, but I don't think it's their goal. A good test will catch breaks in behaviour, I'd never trade completeness for readability in tests, in docs it's the reverse.

So I think maybe, unit tests are just tests? They can be part of your documentation, but calling them documentation in and of themselves I think is maybe just a category error?

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