cameldrv · 37 minutes ago
Could be reverse causation. T2 diabetes is a major risk factor for COVID, so perhaps kids with undiagnosed T2 diabetes are more likely to have COVID bad enough to go to the doctor.
jcoletti · 1 hours ago
Headlines always get me. Correlation identified, but not causation.

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· 1 hours ago
chiefalchemist · 1 hours ago
Probably not a popular take:

- But they didn't account for the treatment for Covid as being a possible cause for the difference.

- Nor - conveniently? - is there mention of vaxinated vs non-vaxinated. Boosted vs non.

- The final check would be those who knew they had Covid vs those who were asymptomatic. Stress is a powerful force. Those aware of having Covid may have stressed more, which is known to effect the immune system, weight gain, etc.

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