Ask HN: What are your favorite tools for taming your email?

14 points · AbstractH24 · 71 days ago

Like many people, my inbox seems to be at a place once again where it is just too overwhelming to keep track of. Automated sorting into more folders won’t give me more time to go through it all.

Curious what tools folks use to solve this problem.

dgunay · 70 days ago
I use Gmail.

Actually unsubscribe from stuff. If they show up again, I hit report spam. No, I don't care if they were actually gonna stop after 14 days or whatever.

Have strict rules about how I use the inbox. If I read an email, and it isn't actionable or I don't need to do anything, I immediately delete it. _Maybe_ archive it if I think it could have CYA value like a receipt or something. Keyboard shortcuts help with this a lot. I can often make this call just from the topic line of the email, so I don't even read a lot of the less important stuff in my inbox.

The end result is that my inbox is a small (~20ish items on average) list of stuff I either need to do something about, or haven't read yet.

I don't spend much time on my emails every day. Maybe 5ish minutes. If you are the kind of person who has 5k unread emails and want to do this (used to be me), you may want to start by first declaring bankruptcy and archiving everything. I did it when I first started, turns out zero of those emails ever came back to haunt me in any way. The people in your life who are actually important or will break your kneecaps will eventually either come back or find you through alternate channels.

fckgw · 71 days ago
Unsubscribing from emails you don't want.

So many times I see posts here and other places online where people describe their complex filtering rules for sorting newsletters and other unwanted mailing list emails and they never bother to unsubscribe. If it's not legit spam, every mailing list email is required to have an unsubscribe link with a no-account option to unsub. It takes two clicks to stop getting the emails in the first place.

belthesar · 71 days ago
A couple of years ago or so, when Google was flirting with axing free Google Workspace domains, I ended up switching my email over to 37signals’ HEY platform. I have been pretty happy with the result overall. While I don’t like that I’m forced to use their client, the benefits (and the fact that I can reasonably trust them to give me my mailboxes going forward) have been pretty great.

Unsubscribing aggressively is pretty great, and helped a lot prior to switching to HEY. What has been stellar for me however was that I can also choose to screen out emails, silently dropping their receipt. It’s a selfish choice, in that I’m not sending feedback to the list owner, but with the amount of lists I end up on, I’m not sure I totally care all that much, and the workflow to screen things out is fast and simple.

I definitely don’t think it’s for everyone, but I’ve been pretty happy with the switch and the nits I do have are vastly outweighed by the things I do like about the system.

Yawrehto · 65 days ago
I have several emails, roughly categorizable as "work/personal", "main side email/google account", "notifications from social media sites" and "email tjat doesn't sound like a name". If it's a website verification code or something one-off, 10minutemail or temp-mail could help.
sdrinf · 70 days ago
Cease and desist letters.

There are many, many people, and companies who operate under the false belief that the CAN-SPAM act does not apply to them; and eg create new mailing lists to blast many people with their spam. Some of these unfortunately includes corps I have business relationship with (looking at you, Google), so "mark as spam" doesn't work well. Cease and desisting their legal department does. I have changed marketing strat of multiple largecorps by being a dangerous professional.