> In the beginning, Artanis was largely inspired by Ruby on Rails to generate the scaffold code as possible. And the URL remapping API was inspired by Sinatra, another web framework of Ruby. That's why it's named "Artanis", since it's the revserse of "Sinatra".
And here I thought (and I'm assuming others, based on the cheeky comments) it was named for the Starcraft character.
packetlost ·18 hours ago
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01HNNWZ0MV43FF ·18 hours ago
AdmiralAsshat ·17 hours ago
And here I thought (and I'm assuming others, based on the cheeky comments) it was named for the Starcraft character.
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sourcepluck ·18 hours ago
In what capacity is Artanis an official project of the HardenedLinux community? I'm curious what this means.
ammanley ·18 hours ago