Show HN: Vince – A self hosted alternative to Google Analytics

281 points · gernest · 8 days ago

For the past 3 years I have been working on a Golang port of plausible analytics dashboard.

vince is a single binary, single user with multiple website system with zero runtime dependency.

Key featues:

- Automatic TLS - Outbounds link tracking - File downloads tracking - 404 pages tracking - Custom event tracking

And so much more, basically everything that you see on plausible dashboard except funnels and custom properties.

You can use vince as a drop in replacement for plausible for personal websites.

The goal is to make the plausible dashboard easily accessible for people who like to self host.

All features not related to the dashboard are non goal, hence not implemented.

Full dashboard demo hosted on 6$ vultr instance

vextea · 7 days ago

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zoidb · 8 days ago
My go-to self hosted GA alternative is goatcounter It would be interesting to know what advantages it has over it.

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written-beyond · 8 days ago
Code quality is pristine, really great job! I see that you've used protocol buffers, can you expand on why? I am aware of the benefits it offers but I think it adds a bit of mental overhead initially due to it being an additional type system you have to understand.

Also why are you using pebble exactly? I was interested in seeing how you're managing your geo databases because that's usually the most mind numbing part of handling analytics if your cloud provider doesn't add that information into the request header already. However, I can't understand why you'd use pebble over something like sqlite.

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just-tom · 8 days ago
The screenshot on your homepage looks very similar to plausible's which is also open-source analytics software. Is it based on it? What are the differences?

Edit: Just noticed the feature comparison in the readme.

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rgbrgb · 8 days ago

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