An important thing that both titles miss: this is talking about Firefox for Android. The things discussed in the first section mostly actually happened around desktop Firefox, but the rest of the article is exclusively about Firefox for Android.
Please, HN, a request: given that this is what the article is about, could we please make this discussion about Firefox for Android, and leave desktop Firefox alone as much as possible? Firefox versus Chrome on desktop gets discussed frequently¹, we all know the arguments; but Firefox versus Chrome on Android doesn’t, and the calculus is quite interestingly different. For example, the first two points raised are mobile-only, as they’re things both give you on desktop, but only Firefox on Android.
¹ My guess is that there’s a dedicated Firefox- or Chrome-related thread that ends focusing on such matters in some way at least once every couple of months, and a few more minor subtheads in between.
Firefox is the last major independent browser engine standing. As engineers, it's our responsibility to keep the fox strong and help it reclaim the popularity it once enjoyed. Let's rally behind it!
chrismorgan ·19 days ago
> Firefox Is the Superior Browser
Original article title:
> Switching to Firefox
An important thing that both titles miss: this is talking about Firefox for Android. The things discussed in the first section mostly actually happened around desktop Firefox, but the rest of the article is exclusively about Firefox for Android.
Please, HN, a request: given that this is what the article is about, could we please make this discussion about Firefox for Android, and leave desktop Firefox alone as much as possible? Firefox versus Chrome on desktop gets discussed frequently¹, we all know the arguments; but Firefox versus Chrome on Android doesn’t, and the calculus is quite interestingly different. For example, the first two points raised are mobile-only, as they’re things both give you on desktop, but only Firefox on Android.
¹ My guess is that there’s a dedicated Firefox- or Chrome-related thread that ends focusing on such matters in some way at least once every couple of months, and a few more minor subtheads in between.
mentalgear ·19 days ago
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abtinf ·19 days ago
Tree Style Tabs. uBlock Origin.
There, I rewrote it for you.
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edent ·19 days ago
Chrome feels like it was written for the benefit of Google, not for me.
unnamed76ri ·19 days ago
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