Please help: My business Facebook, Instagram, and personal acct all got disabled
34 points ·
I've already submitted a request for appeal, which was ~immediately denied. My FB account of 15+ years, plus all my groups, my various pages, and my followers, my business assets - all gone?
It's hard to even know what happened to trigger this. We've been making maybe 1-2 posts per day at most on the instagram account, and maybe have like 15 followers. Obviously the loss of the personal account + personal groups has a much bigger impact to me personally... but it's also crazy that they would clobber an active small business, that's paying them no less.
Can anyone at Meta please help?
warmedcookie ·9 days ago
solfox ·9 days ago
I’m learning my lesson: no more FB integration.
spl757 ·9 days ago
solfox ·8 days ago
ClassyJacket ·10 days ago
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