Show HN: Interactive graphs in Rerun with a Rust port of D3-force

58 points · nikonp · 1 days ago

Rerun 0.21 comes with a new graph viewer that's written in Rust and runs in the browser via wasm. It's powered by a new force based layout engine that is a port of much of d3-force to Rust. (The release also contains some other cool stuff like undo/redo implemented on top of a timeseries DB.)

We built this with applications in robotics and spatial computing in mind but would love to hear feedback from folks that would see this as useful in other domains as well.

jgoertler · 1 days ago

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simgt · 20 hours ago
I've been using rerun for a while to visualize the content of inference pipelines, it's nothing short of amazing!

I really wanted live views of my gstreamer pipelines, so I've started to write a tool with egui [0]. Looks like rerun's GraphView doesn't support subgraphs and horizontal layouts yet, but I'm sure I'll soon be able to just have a gstreamer tracer that pushes reruns logs. That's better than having to find the motivation to go through my todo list! Yeah!


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rcarmo · 1 days ago
This is pretty awesome. I especially liked replaying the graph layout. I do wonder what kind of native GUI toolkits whis would work with (since I don’t really care much for web UIs and browser overhead).

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burningion · 22 hours ago
Have been playing with rerun since the early days, and the team has built a ton of amazing features for visualizing your robotics datasets. I used it on a bicyclist safety system to ingest raw data for playback and analysis later.

I especially like that they're also building an (amazing) Rust version of imgui called egui, and open sourcing all the work for the ecosystem: