There is a fascinating story documented in "How to Tame a Fox (and Build a Dog): Visionary Scientists and a Siberian Tale of Jump-Started Evolution" by by Lee Alan Dugatkin and Lyudmila Trut ( about a long-running domestication of silver foxes, started in USSR in 1950ies and still running. One of the early comments in that book is what Dmitri Belyaev (idea man) really wanted was to run this on chimpanzees, but (paraphrasing his words) "a) due to breeding cycles the minimum time to results 6 centuries" and "b) the ethics of doing this would not pass any committee". He chose foxes since they breed once a year and he was able to justify it on commercial grounds (fur production). Results are absolutely spectacular, as the book lovingly documents
danielodievich ·6 days ago
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ChrisArchitect ·10 days ago
·6 days ago
arschfick ·6 days ago