Co-founder of Quickwit here. Seeing our acquisition by Datadog on the HN front page feels like a truly full-circle moment.
HN has been interwoven with Quickwit's journey from the very beginning. Looking back, it's striking to see how our progress is literally chronicled in our HN front-page posts:
- Searching the web for under $1000/month [0]
- A Rust optimization story [1]
- Decentralized cluster membership in Rust [2]
- Filtering a vector with SIMD instructions (AVX-2 and AVX-512) [3]
- Efficient indexing with Quickwit Rust actor framework [4]
- A compressed indexable bitset [5]
- Show HN: Quickwit – OSS Alternative to Elasticsearch, Splunk, Datadog [6]
- Quickwit 0.8: Indexing and Search at Petabyte Scale [7]
- Binance built a 100PB log service with Quickwit [9]
- Datadog acquires Quickwit [10]
Each of these front-page appearances was a milestone for us. We put our hearts into writing those engineering articles, hoping to contribute something valuable to our community.
I'm convinced HN played a key role in Quickwit's success by providing visibility, positive feedback, critical comments, and leads that contacted us directly after a front-page post. This community's authenticity and passion for technology are unparalleled. And we're incredibly grateful for this.
Well, it looks like Quickwit was going to add an Enterprise license as of earlier this year (PR #5529), which I had been keeping eyes on, but this announcement says they're instead going to relicense as Apache 2.0 so the "community can continue on":
> We will be focused on building a new product with Datadog, and to ensure our open-source community can continue, we will soon release a major update of both Quickwit with a relicense to Apache License 2.0 and tantivy.
So, it looks like we'll get a more liberally licensed Quickwit, but reading between the lines suggests development of it is might otherwise be winding down? It has been pretty nice and stable in my experience, so I can't really complain much. But I was really looking forward to what else it could bring.
> Mezmo recently put in production Quickwit to serve thousands of customers and petabytes of logs, drastically reducing infrastructure cost and complexity while delivering the same user experience.
I can't imagine they feel great about Quickwit getting bought by a competitor after that.
francoismassot ·6 days ago
HN has been interwoven with Quickwit's journey from the very beginning. Looking back, it's striking to see how our progress is literally chronicled in our HN front-page posts:
- Searching the web for under $1000/month [0]
- A Rust optimization story [1]
- Decentralized cluster membership in Rust [2]
- Filtering a vector with SIMD instructions (AVX-2 and AVX-512) [3]
- Efficient indexing with Quickwit Rust actor framework [4]
- A compressed indexable bitset [5]
- Show HN: Quickwit – OSS Alternative to Elasticsearch, Splunk, Datadog [6]
- Quickwit 0.8: Indexing and Search at Petabyte Scale [7]
- Tantivy – full-text search engine library inspired by Apache Lucene [8]
- Binance built a 100PB log service with Quickwit [9]
- Datadog acquires Quickwit [10]
Each of these front-page appearances was a milestone for us. We put our hearts into writing those engineering articles, hoping to contribute something valuable to our community.
I'm convinced HN played a key role in Quickwit's success by providing visibility, positive feedback, critical comments, and leads that contacted us directly after a front-page post. This community's authenticity and passion for technology are unparalleled. And we're incredibly grateful for this.
Thank you all :)
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aseipp ·6 days ago
> We will be focused on building a new product with Datadog, and to ensure our open-source community can continue, we will soon release a major update of both Quickwit with a relicense to Apache License 2.0 and tantivy.
So, it looks like we'll get a more liberally licensed Quickwit, but reading between the lines suggests development of it is might otherwise be winding down? It has been pretty nice and stable in my experience, so I can't really complain much. But I was really looking forward to what else it could bring.
Congrats to the team, in any case!
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Hixon10 ·7 days ago
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acaloiar ·6 days ago
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maxwellg ·6 days ago
I can't imagine they feel great about Quickwit getting bought by a competitor after that.
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