Hey there /u/blacktechnology, could you email me a few seconds of your voice so I can upload it to this site and see how the cloning goes? I'd love to see what I could do with a copy of your voice. Kthxbye.
We've been advertising to get someone to take over the lease on a commercial building. Surprisingly, we've had several of what seem like very obvious scam attempts - people stringing us along, not trying to bargain (we are in a haggling country, people always try to bargain), asking us to wait unreasonable amounts of time, and finally when pressed breaking down into logical inconsistencies. So, not even good scam attempts.
I was wondering, what's the point? I mean, it's a building. You pay money, you sign the lease (in person), you get the use of the building. No money, no building. Where's the scam opportunity?
The only thing I can think of is that they're trying to get enough data and personal info to clone our voices and use that to try and gain access to bank accounts or to scam our relatives. Even if I'm wrong in this case, this seems like a major new vulnerability in society. I mean, if someone who sounded (and with video AI, perhaps even looked) exactly like me called up my mother and pretended I'd been violently robbed or had an accident, she'd transfer money in a heartbeat.
I'm considering that I should set up some kind of code system with my family for this. As in, if I ever end up in a situation where I need help, I'll use a particular code phrase. If I don't know it, assume it's an AI clone.
xnx ·6 days ago
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bugglebeetle ·6 days ago
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delgaudm ·6 days ago
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superkuh ·6 days ago
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esperent ·6 days ago
I was wondering, what's the point? I mean, it's a building. You pay money, you sign the lease (in person), you get the use of the building. No money, no building. Where's the scam opportunity?
The only thing I can think of is that they're trying to get enough data and personal info to clone our voices and use that to try and gain access to bank accounts or to scam our relatives. Even if I'm wrong in this case, this seems like a major new vulnerability in society. I mean, if someone who sounded (and with video AI, perhaps even looked) exactly like me called up my mother and pretended I'd been violently robbed or had an accident, she'd transfer money in a heartbeat.
I'm considering that I should set up some kind of code system with my family for this. As in, if I ever end up in a situation where I need help, I'll use a particular code phrase. If I don't know it, assume it's an AI clone.
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