Worth emphasising: Project Euler is a mathematical computation challenge, not a programming challenge like Advent of Code. The principal skill is algorithm design and as the problems progress you need to do more and more maths before you start coding.
I wonder which ones the author liked the most and which they disliked the most. I didn't see any comments on that. If they're on HN, it'd be cool to find out.
Nim is the language that impressed me the most in this batch. Everything I thought would be a problem (significant whitespace, choose-your-own-function syntax, intermediate C compliation step) didn't bother me at all. The small sample of the standard library I played with was a little quirky, but Nim seems like excellent bang for your buck.
- Release binary was only 120 KB (linked against libc)!
- Thought I'd dislike the syntax, but it was fine
- Really easy to get started, many things "just worked" (e.g. grabbing a slice of an array)
- Didn't have to specify too many types, but still ran fast
- Fast compilation
- Didn't like the "hints" it spews out during compilation, even for nim r (build and run)
- Why did all take an anonymous function, but foldl took just an expression (with a and b seemingly picked out of thin air) -- is foldl a macro?
- Nim might be a good language for hobby projects because it's easy, fast, and produces small binaries
- I wonder what the debugging experience is like -- if it's decent, I might be writing a lot more Nim in the future!
This exactly my thoughts on Nim and why I use it almost exclusively for all my hobby projects.
I am interested in seeing Verilog used as one of the 100 languages.I have been wondering how it would be to use some sort of hardware description language to solve some of (all?)the problems. I worked thru the first half of "Nand to Tetris" [1] and thought I might try working some of the problems with that.
moomin ·19 days ago
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7thaccount ·19 days ago
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gre ·19 days ago
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archargelod ·19 days ago
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tocs3 ·19 days ago
[1] https://www.nand2tetris.org/