Doesn't work in Android Chrome. Clicking does nothing.
Edit: figured out what was wrong, I had bedtime mode turned on which desaturated the screen, making the light yellow impossible to see. Suggestion: make the highlight more visible/accessible
Ah! I spent an hour today trying to recreate the golf course from gladdendesign too (I ordered one of each of their games when I saw it on youtube)! But I got sidetracked trying to fit perlin noise into the solution, still not sure what algorithm to use to generate similar terrains. Also I kind of assumed copying the game exactly wouldn't be super fair or even legal so I planned on keeping it private.
This is fun. Strategy is to get in line with the hole so there's a chance to hole out next shot.
Would be more realistic if you could hit any number of spaces up to the die roll.
Maybe have different clubs - driver = die roll +3, iron = die roll, putter that can hole out at any distance up to 6 not necessarily in a straight line if you roll that distance or more. So e.g. putter can hole out with knights move if you roll 3 or higher.
janderson215 ·7 hours ago
Also, maybe some optional crowd noise if you hit it past the hole or hit it in the wrong direction due to an over-roll.
jslakro ·3 days ago
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tantalor ·8 hours ago
Edit: figured out what was wrong, I had bedtime mode turned on which desaturated the screen, making the light yellow impossible to see. Suggestion: make the highlight more visible/accessible
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coumbaya ·2 days ago
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dave333 ·2 days ago
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