Have you gone back to in-person whiteboards? More focus on practical problems? I really have no idea how the traditional tech interview is supposed to work now when problems are trivially solvable by GPT.
The last time I've used a leet code style interview was in 2012, and it resulted in a bad hire (who just happened to have trained on the questions we used). I've hired something like 150 developers so far, and what I ended up with after a few years of trial and error:
1. Use recruiters and network: Wading through the sheer volume of applications was even nasty before COVID, I don't even want to imagine what it's like now. A good recruiter or a recommendation can save a lot of time.
2. Do either no take home test, or one that takes at most two hours. I do discuss the solution candidates came up with, so as long as they can demonstrate they know what they did there, I don't care too much how they did it. If I do this part, it's just to establish some base line competency.
3. Put the candidate at ease - nervous people don't interview well, another problem with non-trivial tasks in technical interviews. I rarely do any live coding, if I do, it's pairing and for management roles, to e.g. probe how they manage disagreement and such. But for developers, they mostly shine when not under pressure, I try to see that side of them.
4. Talk through past and current challenges, technical and otherwise. This is by far the most powerful part of the interview IMHO. Had a bad manager? Cool, what did you do about it? I'm not looking for them having resolved whatever issue we talk about, I'm trying to understand who they are and how they'd fit into the team.
I've been using this process for almost a decade now, and currently don't think I need to change anything about it with respect to LLMs.
I kinda wish it was more merit based, but I haven't found a way to do that well yet. Maybe it's me, or maybe it's just not feasible. The work I tend to be involved in seems way too multi faceted to have a single standard test that will seriously predict how well a candidate will do on the job. My workaround is to rely on intuition for the most part.
I've let people use GPT in coding interviews, provided that they show me how they use it. At the end I'm interested in knowing how a person solves a problem, and thinks about it. Do they just accept whatever crap the gpt gives them, can they take a critical approach to it, etc.
So far, everyone that elected to use GPT did much worse. They did not know what to ask, how to ask, and did not "collaborate" with the AI. So far my opinion is if you have a good interview process, you can clearly see who are the good candidates with or without ai.
My company, a very very large company, is transitioning back to only in-person interviews due to the rampant amount of cheating happening during interviews.
As an interviewer, it's wild to me how many candidates think they can get away with it, when you can very obviously hear them typing, then watching their eyes move as they read an answer from another screen. And the majority of the time the answer is incorrect anyway. I'm happy that we won't have to waste our time on those candidates anymore.
My startup got acquired last year so I haven't interviewed anyone in a while, but my technical interview has always been:
- share your screen
- download/open the coding challenge
- you can use any website, Stack Overflow, whatever, to answer my questions as long as it's on the screenshare
My goal is to determine if the candidate can be technically productive, so I allow any programming language, IDE, autocompleter, etc, that they want. I would have no problem with them using GPT/Copilot in addition to all that, as long as it's clear how they're solving it.
Part of my resume review process is trying to decide if I can trust the person. If their resume seems too AI-generated, I feel less like I can trust that candidate and typically reject the candidate.
Once you get to the interview process, it's very clear if someone thinks they can use AI to help with the interview process. I'm not going to sit here while you type my question into OpenAI and try to BS a meaningful response to my question 30 seconds later.
AI-proof interviewing is easy if you know what you're talking about. Look at the candidates resume and ask them to describe some of their past projects. If they can have a meaningful conversation without delays, you can probably trust their resume. It's easy to spot BS whether AI is behind it or not.
fhd2 ·13 days ago
1. Use recruiters and network: Wading through the sheer volume of applications was even nasty before COVID, I don't even want to imagine what it's like now. A good recruiter or a recommendation can save a lot of time.
2. Do either no take home test, or one that takes at most two hours. I do discuss the solution candidates came up with, so as long as they can demonstrate they know what they did there, I don't care too much how they did it. If I do this part, it's just to establish some base line competency.
3. Put the candidate at ease - nervous people don't interview well, another problem with non-trivial tasks in technical interviews. I rarely do any live coding, if I do, it's pairing and for management roles, to e.g. probe how they manage disagreement and such. But for developers, they mostly shine when not under pressure, I try to see that side of them.
4. Talk through past and current challenges, technical and otherwise. This is by far the most powerful part of the interview IMHO. Had a bad manager? Cool, what did you do about it? I'm not looking for them having resolved whatever issue we talk about, I'm trying to understand who they are and how they'd fit into the team.
I've been using this process for almost a decade now, and currently don't think I need to change anything about it with respect to LLMs.
I kinda wish it was more merit based, but I haven't found a way to do that well yet. Maybe it's me, or maybe it's just not feasible. The work I tend to be involved in seems way too multi faceted to have a single standard test that will seriously predict how well a candidate will do on the job. My workaround is to rely on intuition for the most part.
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sergioisidoro ·14 days ago
So far, everyone that elected to use GPT did much worse. They did not know what to ask, how to ask, and did not "collaborate" with the AI. So far my opinion is if you have a good interview process, you can clearly see who are the good candidates with or without ai.
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twoparachute45 ·14 days ago
As an interviewer, it's wild to me how many candidates think they can get away with it, when you can very obviously hear them typing, then watching their eyes move as they read an answer from another screen. And the majority of the time the answer is incorrect anyway. I'm happy that we won't have to waste our time on those candidates anymore.
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ryan-duve ·14 days ago
- share your screen
- download/open the coding challenge
- you can use any website, Stack Overflow, whatever, to answer my questions as long as it's on the screenshare
My goal is to determine if the candidate can be technically productive, so I allow any programming language, IDE, autocompleter, etc, that they want. I would have no problem with them using GPT/Copilot in addition to all that, as long as it's clear how they're solving it.
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explorigin ·14 days ago
Once you get to the interview process, it's very clear if someone thinks they can use AI to help with the interview process. I'm not going to sit here while you type my question into OpenAI and try to BS a meaningful response to my question 30 seconds later.
AI-proof interviewing is easy if you know what you're talking about. Look at the candidates resume and ask them to describe some of their past projects. If they can have a meaningful conversation without delays, you can probably trust their resume. It's easy to spot BS whether AI is behind it or not.
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