While I do have the support of advisor, and in general know the bigger research direction, coming up with a relevant doable+innovative research problem is still somewhat upon me and hard. I wanted to read on other researchers' perspective on how they do it, what works and what doesn't. Thanks!
For most PhD students their first project will most likely be something that the advisor has scoped. As you stand on your feet and learn your field (aka around your 2nd-3rd year) you will start noticing some legitimate literature gaps. One of them will also be viable & interesting to look at.
Personally, I started with a few subjects that I knew would sustain my interest, that I would not get bored with, and that I felt I could honestly make a real contribution to. I then tried to connect them all together!
At first the connections looked very forced and unlikely to yield anything more than a handful of curiosities. I gave myself a time limit to try out explorations to test some ideas, full aware that I may need to backtrack and start again in a new direction.
After some searching around indeed the connections were there in a way that was unexpected and gave way to research that led to my dissertation, another students dissertation which continued work in that area, and a good number of papers.
Maybe the short summary is: give yourself a “writing prompt” of given these things I like and want to research how might they be connected and what do those connections mean?
Is there a paper / technique that interests you from the background research / reading?
Try reproducing it and then working on their future work paragraph
For me, I was at the same guest lecture as my future advisor was at. When I took a class with him, I asked him what research he did. After rattling a bunch of things off and seeing my lack of interest, he asked me "did you see the talk about evolving equations, want to work on that?" I replied "yes" and "yes!"
After spending a couple of years trying to reproduce and scale these systems (my advisor worked in related things), I grew frustrated with the prevailing techniques. So we set about trying to solve the same problem with the restriction that it should be a deterministic algorithm. This set me on my path to novel research and results
I can tell you the same thing I was told when I started my program: no thesis represents more than 1 year's worth of work. The reason it takes most Ph.D.s 5-10 years (8 in my case) to graduate is that you have to fail, and fail, and fail again for 4-9 years before you find your thesis project.
In my case, I started on two exploratory gene knockout "fishing expeditions", both of which didn't turn up anything interesting after a year. Then I crystalized a protein and submitted it to X-ray diffraction, but the results were not good enough for a "high quality" structure, and besides the structure we did find was not particularly interesting. Then I switched to working on NMR structures, but ended up switching universities (politics...there's going to be lots of politics) before that went anywhere.
At my new university I switched to structure modeling and worked on a project my advisor suggested for about a year to optimize a modeling routine, but even the optimized version didn't turn up anything interesting. Finally, I landed on a very intriguing problem that could have had far reaching implications. I worked hard at it for almost a year, only to realize that even state-of-the-art modeling was at least a decade away from being able to begin to address the problem I needed to solve. Finally, I returned to a question that a professor had asked me in my first year of graduate school, half jokingly, assuming there was no way to answer the question. For about a year I worked hard at it, finally arrived at a very interesting answer, and graduated.
If you read enough literature and try to implement enough stuff yourself, you will eventually run into a question that you cannot immediately answer.
Often when I read a paper in a subject new to me, I realize that I do not understand something and make a note to study that question further. A lot of times, that question is already answered somewhere. I find an answer to it --- either by asking a colleague, searching for papers or books on the subject, searching the internet, or even just by trying to solve it myself --- and I then just move on once I get an adequate answer. But sometimes, even in subjects that I am an expert in, I write down a question that I cannot find a good answer to at all. Then I know that I have something that is worth researching further.
whatever1 ·14 days ago
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rus20376 ·14 days ago
At first the connections looked very forced and unlikely to yield anything more than a handful of curiosities. I gave myself a time limit to try out explorations to test some ideas, full aware that I may need to backtrack and start again in a new direction.
After some searching around indeed the connections were there in a way that was unexpected and gave way to research that led to my dissertation, another students dissertation which continued work in that area, and a good number of papers.
Maybe the short summary is: give yourself a “writing prompt” of given these things I like and want to research how might they be connected and what do those connections mean?
verdverm ·14 days ago
Try reproducing it and then working on their future work paragraph
For me, I was at the same guest lecture as my future advisor was at. When I took a class with him, I asked him what research he did. After rattling a bunch of things off and seeing my lack of interest, he asked me "did you see the talk about evolving equations, want to work on that?" I replied "yes" and "yes!"
After spending a couple of years trying to reproduce and scale these systems (my advisor worked in related things), I grew frustrated with the prevailing techniques. So we set about trying to solve the same problem with the restriction that it should be a deterministic algorithm. This set me on my path to novel research and results
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jballanc ·13 days ago
In my case, I started on two exploratory gene knockout "fishing expeditions", both of which didn't turn up anything interesting after a year. Then I crystalized a protein and submitted it to X-ray diffraction, but the results were not good enough for a "high quality" structure, and besides the structure we did find was not particularly interesting. Then I switched to working on NMR structures, but ended up switching universities (politics...there's going to be lots of politics) before that went anywhere.
At my new university I switched to structure modeling and worked on a project my advisor suggested for about a year to optimize a modeling routine, but even the optimized version didn't turn up anything interesting. Finally, I landed on a very intriguing problem that could have had far reaching implications. I worked hard at it for almost a year, only to realize that even state-of-the-art modeling was at least a decade away from being able to begin to address the problem I needed to solve. Finally, I returned to a question that a professor had asked me in my first year of graduate school, half jokingly, assuming there was no way to answer the question. For about a year I worked hard at it, finally arrived at a very interesting answer, and graduated.
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atrettel ·14 days ago
Often when I read a paper in a subject new to me, I realize that I do not understand something and make a note to study that question further. A lot of times, that question is already answered somewhere. I find an answer to it --- either by asking a colleague, searching for papers or books on the subject, searching the internet, or even just by trying to solve it myself --- and I then just move on once I get an adequate answer. But sometimes, even in subjects that I am an expert in, I write down a question that I cannot find a good answer to at all. Then I know that I have something that is worth researching further.