Ask HN: Solo developer building a product? Show us your work and get feedback

17 points · mgl · 13 days ago

Are you an indie hacker building a product?

Show your work, and we’ll share our initial feedback!

Please, let’s make it a positive, constructive thread.

pull_my_finger · 13 days ago
I _hate_ that I'm so pessimistic and suspicious, and I know how important early feedback and quality technical feedback can be - BUT - I could never feel comfortable sharing a budding product in a forum full of serial founders, hungry entrepreneurs and developers that are likely in the same or overlapping spaces. The only exception would be if it was a dev tool or painkiller app where the readers here were likely the intended market.

Kudos to the people that do though - these kinds of threads are very interesting to read.

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aliezsid · 13 days ago
Not exactly a "product" but yes, recently added an uptime notifier service in the sea of 1000s of these services.

Trying to keep it simple and tiny for now, would like to know what others think

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rupestrecampos · 12 days ago
Brazil´s Farms, Rural Environmental Register data map.

+300Gb data updated monthly, for $7 besides what was already at home (internet, hardware).

ETL + Database + API in a raspberry pi 4. Frontend at

ceritium · 6 days ago
Hi, I have been building, a translation service on top of Github; it fetches the translations from your GitHub repo and commits them back, so the source of truth of the translations is the repo itself. You can forget about sync tasks, collisions between branches, etc. In the end, if there are conflicts, you manage them on Git as the rest of your code.

It is available in a very early open-source version, which I will update at some moment if I see someone interested in it.

I would be very grateful if someone gave it a try to setup a project and provided some feedback.

SeanAnderson · 12 days ago
It's not especially technical, but here's what I'm working on currently:

It's a companion website for an upcoming game called The Bazaar,

I'm hoping to become the wowhead for this game. Players use my website to theorycraft about the game both as they're playing and when they're idly musing.

It took me about three weeks to build what you see linked above and I get ~12k tracked pageviews per day, trending slightly upward right now. A lot of the effort was being the first mover and marketing aggressively to Reddit/Discord/Twitch until it spread readily by word of mouth. It's not a very defensible moat aside from being a household name, at least at the moment.

Crossing my fingers the traffic triples when the game exits beta, but who knows. I need to start running AdSense on it to recoup the Vercel costs, clean up the mobile UI, and implement some features that lesser known competitors have that I've been too lazy to follow up on.

It's certainly the project I've been least passionate about and yet have had the most success with relative to amount of effort committed. Funny how that works.