Shakahs · 12 days ago

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zx2c4 · 12 days ago
The WireGuard project is also in the same situation, due to Equinix Metal shutting down. If anybody would like to host us, please reach out to team at wireguard dot com. Thanks!

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voxadam · 12 days ago
Oregon State University's Open Source Lab (https://osuosl.org/) offers managed and unmanaged hosting to open source projects. They even have IBM Z and POWER10 hosting if you're into that sort of thing.

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johnklos · 12 days ago
Is colocation knowledge lost now? Do people no longer know how to configure a server or three, bring them to colo and run them? I don't understand how this is a story worthy of an Ars Technica article. Where's the issue?

If the issue is cost, slightly older Epyc hardware is quite affordable, and colo deals can be found for extremely reasonable costs. If it's expertise, then all they have to do is ask.

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jmclnx · 12 days ago
RHEL (IBM) is doing well, why can't they provide free hosting and at the same time show off their cloud products ?

RHEL benefits from freedesktop and X, and as a show of good faith they could support Alpine too.

But as we all know, RHEL/IBM only wants to take free labor and not really give back these days :(

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