VSCode Marketplace Web Pages No Longer Allow Direct VSIX Downloads


69 points · elashri · 12 days ago

welder · 12 days ago
They just changed a web UI to no longer have a download button but you can still download all extension versions:


The download button is still available inside vscode and Cursor never used the marketplace anyway. So many commenters are getting worked up over nothing. No malicious intent here, just classic HN jumping to the wrong conclusion.

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Neywiny · 12 days ago
I noticed this maybe a week or so ago. I used that functionality extensively for computers without network access and was very confused. Saw some SO answer about it being a Windows vs Linux thing, which is stupid for a browser but whatever. That wasn't the case. I did find a way to do it, I forget off the top of my head. At the end of the day I just used vscodeoffline and ran the python server directly (getting docker up and running for basically just a venv was a large hassle).
IceWreck · 12 days ago

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joshstrange · 12 days ago
I’m actually kind of surprised it took Microsoft this long to push back against the VSCode clones. While I don’t agree with the step they took, it does seem like one of the more mild things they could’ve done.

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zombot · 12 days ago
Embrace-Extend-Extinguish at its finest. You can rely on Microsoft to screw you every time.