This isn't a payments crisis; this is an auditing crisis. There's no way to ensure proper accounting procedures are being followed. At this point, Congress' continued inaction is bordering on criminal.
So I just found this a few pages down at rank 129, where its ended up in only 3 hours, despite garnering 250 points in that time. That's abnormal for such a popular post. What gives?
taylodl ·12 days ago
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malfist ·12 days ago
Elected or unelected, politicians with an agenda should not be in charge here.
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resters ·12 days ago
I used to respect Elon for risking a lot of his own capital on new ventures. But now he's turned into a socially conservative internet troll.
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HumblyTossed ·12 days ago
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erentz ·12 days ago
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