IshKebab · 12 days ago
This is the first justification of not using Rust that I actually agree with. Well written.

I recommend reading Roc's FAQ too - it's got some really great points. E.g. I'm internally screaming YESSS! to this: https://www.roc-lang.org/faq.html#curried-functions

But then it has other weird features too, like they seem to be really emphasising "friendliness" (great!) but then it has weird syntax like `\` for anonymous functions (I dunno where that dumb syntax came from by Nix also uses it and it's pretty awful). Omitting brackets and commas for function calls is also a bad decision if you care about friendliness. I have yet to find a language where that doesn't make the code harder to read and understand.

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zoogeny · 12 days ago
It's nice to see Zig continuing to gain support. I have no idea why I've ended up siding with Zig in the lower languages wars.

I used to root for the D programming language but it seems to have got stuck and never gained a good ecosystem. I've disliked Rust from the first time I saw it and have never warmed up to it's particular trade offs. C feels unergonomic these days and C++ is overfull with complexity. Zig feels like a nice pragmatic middle ground.

I actually think Rust is probably perfectly suited to a number of tasks, but I feel I would default to choosing Zig unless I was certain beyond doubt that I needed specific Rust safety features.

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greener_grass · 12 days ago
I can't help but feel like the Roc team has an attitude of "imperative programming for me, but not for thee".

And now they are doubling down on that by moving from "OCaml meets C++" to "C, the good parts"!

If FP isn't good for writing a compiler, what is it good for?

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5- · 11 days ago
> Zig came up with a way around this: compile directly to LLVM bitcode (LLVM has strong backwards-compatibility on its bitcode but not on its public-facing API) and then upgrades become trivial because we can keep our existing code generation the same.

i'm glad that zig helps offset what i find a rather worrying trend -- replacing protocols with libraries (and as a consequence designing new underlying protocols in view of their only being used through the vendor library).

protocols are traditionally designed to facilitate an independent implementation; in fact, many standards ratification processes require several independent implementations as a prerequisite.

libraries (or worse, frameworks) intermingle the actual api with their own design, and necessitate a single implementation.

just the other day i wanted to display a notification a linux desktop where it wasn't convenient to depend on a library (it was a game, so not a traditional application expected to have many dependencies). the protocol (there is one, wrapped by the library) is very unpleasant, but i got it working out of spite.

and of course, when there is a perfectly nice protocol available (llvm ir, in either the bitcode or text representation) why not choose it? at least on unix, where starting processes and interprocess communication is cheap. (and as an added bonus, you won't crash when llvm does.)

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gregwebs · 12 days ago
Go was built while waiting for C++ to compile- fast compilation was an implicit design goal.

Rust on the other hand didn’t prioritize compile times and ended up making design decisions that make faster compilation difficult to achieve. To me it’s the biggest pain point with Rust for a large code base and that seems to be the sentiment here as well.

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