Show HN: Agriquery – helping people sell their food

20 points · combinatorzx · 4 days ago

We built Agriquery, a simple online marketplace designed to help farmers and small producers sell their produce directly to consumers (and businesses). Think Etsy, but for food.

rmason · 1 days ago
Seems like a great idea but it's a difficult problem to solve. One of the Code Michigan hackathon winners tried something similar about a decade ago but limited it to the Detroit metro area and if I remember correctly offered delivery. You could order from different farms and they'd make a single delivery to you.

Since then I have seen several startups attempt to execute on variations of this idea. Maybe they were too early and now its time.

sheddy25 · 2 days ago
This is really good, I am a foodie and cook a lot. How do ensure food safety for the vendors?

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