Show HN: Scripton – Python IDE with built-in realtime visualizations

444 points · nightcraft · 4 days ago

Hey HN, Scripton ( is a Python IDE built for fast, interactive visualizations and exploratory programming — without the constraints of notebooks.

Why another Python IDE? Scripton hopes to fill a gap in the Python development ecosystem by being an IDE that:

1. Focuses on easy, fast, and interactive visualizations (and exposes rich JS plotting libraries like Observable Plot and Plotly directly to Python) 2. Provides a tightly integrated REPL for rapid prototyping and exploration 3. Is script-centric (as opposed to, say, notebook-style)

A historical detour for why these 3 features: Not so long ago (ok, well, maybe over a decade ago...), the go-to environment for many researchers in scientific fields would have been something like MATLAB. Generating multiple simultaneous visualizations (potentially dynamic) directly from your scripts, rapidly prototyping in the REPL, all without giving up on writing regular scripts. Over time, many switched over to Python but there wasn't an equivalent environment offering similar capabilities. IPython/Jupyter notebooks eventually became the de facto replacement. And while notebooks are great for many things (indeed, it wasn't uncommon for folks to switch between MATLAB and Mathematica Notebooks), they do make certain trade-offs that prevent them from being a full substitute.

Inner workings:

- Implemented in C++ (IDE <-> Python IPC), Python, TypeScript (UI), WGSL (WebGPU-based visualizations)

- While the editor component is based off Monaco, the IDE is not a vscode fork and was written from scratch. Happy to chat about the trade-offs if anyone's interested

- Uses a custom Python debugger written from scratch (which enables features like visualizing intermediate outputs while paused in the debugger)

Scripton's under active development (currently only available for macOS but Linux and Windows support is planned). Would love for you to try it out and share your thoughts! Since this is HN, I’m also happy to chat about its internals.

zipy124 · 4 days ago
Fantastic product and props to the creator on it! Though Mac only and a subscription price of this magnitude for an IDE is a hard sell, given the availability of other options, which aren't neccesarily $20 a month worse. Never the less I'll keep my eye on this project.
kaboomshebang · 4 days ago
What happens when I would stop my subscription? The scripton lib is open source and the lyra orion plot functions can output image files without refactoring? (Or do I have to reactivate my subscription?) (Congrats on your product launch btw :)
roger_ · 4 days ago
This looks incredible, but I’m not a fan of the subscription pricing.

How about a hobbyist rate at least?

erichocean · 4 days ago

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gcanyon · 3 days ago
This looks really nice! I currently use LiveCode (which isn't Python-based) for my daily "I have a bunch of data I'm looking to filter/transform/clean up" tasks. I'm always on the lookout for a similar tool, which for me means:

   1. Text inputs (table/spreadsheet inputs?)
   2. Text outputs
   3. Buttons
   4. Menus
   5. Sliders
   6. Checkboxes/radio buttons
And bonus points for:

   7. bundle it up and give it to someone else to run
I think out of that list you have 2, 3, and 5?

Any chance you'll push further into the build-a-UI-to-muck-with-data realm?

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