Everyone able to make it to the Boston Museum of Science should make a point of watching "Deep Sky" in IMAX (the story of the JWST and tons of new-to-mankind images of the furthest reaches / oldest objects in the universe), it's breathtaking.
Obviously it's pointless to try to make any reasoned arguments. These people don't care, they just want to destroy for the sake of it.
In the past I wondered how great civilizations collapse and how this could happen. It is just becoming clearer and clearer every day.
chrisweekly ·1 days ago
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Jun8 ·1 days ago
From Slide 26: "$317M supports the operation of Great Observatories including the James Webb Space Telescope, Hubble, and Chandra".
Can't some of the money that's been saved from other cutting channeled to NASA?
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sega_sai ·23 hours ago
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renegade-otter ·22 hours ago
Queue "In the eyes on an angel" by Sarah McLachlan.
d3rockk ·23 hours ago