Ask HN: How can I browse public GitHub repos on 128kbps connection?
6 points ·
I cannot even click on the commit history of a GitHub repo on the web, it seems to be some sort of bloated react interface for what amounts to an excruciatingly slow `git log`.
Cloning the entire repo is not feasible unless I know in advance that the repo is small, but I cannot know that unless I browse the log and directory beforehand.
I cannot search Google for advanced git commands, as Google times out 90% of the time, while 9% of the time it sends me to a captcha which is even more bloated to load and times out again.
Locutus_ ·12 hours ago
And remember for things like looking up git commands or even a lot of your dependency documentation, you do not need a web browser. Git comes with manpages, many libraries will have docs in .md or whatever in them.
epirogov ·4 hours ago
codingdave ·9 hours ago
rl1987 ·12 hours ago
serendipty01 ·13 hours ago
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