Show HN: I Built a Visual Workflow Automation Platform – FlowRipple

82 points · shivsarthak34 · 7 hours ago

FlowRipple is designed to streamline and automate business processes with ease. Whether you're a developer, business owner, or marketer, our platform lets you build custom workflows that can be triggered by events from your applications, webhooks, or on a schedule. We’ve just gone live and are offering an exclusive Early Access Program with some incredible perks to get you started.

halyax7 · 4 hours ago

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cjonas · 5 hours ago
How is the "code" represented in the backend? Can it be exported, checked into source control and deployed via CI/CD?

With the advances we are seeing in AI coding workspaces, "visual programming" seems like a dead end if the code isn't optimized for machine comprehension. I do think visual representation of code will become important to be able to more easily understand the AI generated systems, but it's just not an inefficient way to encode logic for AI (turns of code is a very effective at this).

IMO, for these low code runtimes to survive, they need to be "transpilable" to a simple DSL (or subset of a popular language) and have an LSP for agents to interact with.

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androng · 3 hours ago
Am I right in calling this a direct competitor to ? I would probably use that since there are more options right now unless you have an option exclusive to you

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rcarmo · 6 hours ago
This looks visually nice, but the feature set needs a bit of clarification - you seem to be in the same space as or Azure Logic Apps, so a few use cases and differentiators would be nice.

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_pdp_ · 4 hours ago
5 years ago I built my own workflow programming environment to automate various security processes. What I've learned form this experience is that workflow tools kind of suck. They are effectively really bad scripting languages - fine for doing high-level composition but not remotely useful when it comes to putting simple algorithms. But I think this is just my own perspective coming from experience with various programming environments. There are plenty of users who find this style of programming essential to get something done. For me though, I rather write the code.

I think these types of workflow tools will be ultimately replaced by AI agents.

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